

Full of MATHEMATICS😁is given as:
  • ‘M’  stands for MEMORY’
  • ‘A’   stands for ACCURACY’
  • ‘T’  stands for TALENT’
  • ‘H’  stands for HARDWORK’
  • ‘E’   stands for ENTHUSIASM’
  • ‘M’  stands for MIND’
  • ‘A’   stands for ATTENTION’
  • ‘T’   stands for TACT’
  • ‘I’   stands for INTEREST’
  • ‘C’  stands for CLEVERNESS’
  • ‘S’   stands for SINCERITY’

😋Words Bank😋:
Enthusiasm = Intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval. (热忱, 激情, 热情)
➹Tact = Adroitness and sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues. (分寸感, 轻重感)
➹Sincerity = The quality of being free from pretense, deceit, or hypocrisy. (诚意, 真挚)


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