➹YEAR 5➹ Calculation of larger numbers


✿With & Without REMAINDER

Image result for division cartoon

Division with a remainder. 💁

Division without a remainder. 💁

HERE COME 1 HOTS Question! Let's try it!👇

 An order of jelly beans contains 4,200 jelly beans. 
If each bag in the shipment can hold 600 jelly beans, 
how many bags does the jelly bean company need to use for the shipment?

Let's think about it!
Try it out and tell me the answer inside the comment yo!

The answer and the solution will be given in the comment yoo😘

© Lai Ke Nee. www.ppismpgkb1053.com. 2017


  1. The answer for HOTS question is here!

    Divide the total number of jelly beans by the number each bag can hold. Divide 4,200 by 600.

    First, divide 42 by 6.

    42 ÷ 6 = 7

    Now count the zeroes in each number.

    4,200 ÷ 600 = ?

    There are the same number of blue zeroes in 4,200 as in 600.

    4,200 ÷ 600 = 7

    The company needs to use 7 bags.


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